No Rain, Antlers
It was supposed to rain today. But thankfully, as is so often the case, the meteorologists got it all wrong. Blue skies with a few clouds and, most importantly, shirt-sleeve-warm weather greeted me as I sallied forth after breakfast in the improbable search for fallen antlers.
My kids were thrilled, after spending weeks cooped up inside, at their mother's house. I explained how the deer lose their antlers early every spring, and we found many trees bearing evidence of their frequent rubbing. Rose, my youngest, was intent on her task, walking slowly, off the path, looking behind every tree and shrub. Robert, eleven, seemed to have decided that every fallen branch was a sword, and that his mission was to ward off an invading army of orc-trees. Marguerite, the oldest, left her bike at the side of the trail and joined in the search after seeing how intent her younger sister was on success. If there were any antlers out there, they were going to find them.
I suppose it would be trite for me to wax lyrical about the joys of spring: the birdsong, the soft sunlight filtering down through the budding branches, the tiny wildflowers springing up here and there through the moss and fallen leaves. But after a few difficult months of the divorce process, my search at least was fruitful. I'd been worried that living apart would seriously affect my kids, maybe turn them dark and brooding, I don't know. But here they were, free as the wind, laughing, playing, full of joy and love. This is the only treasure I needed to make me a rich man.
A couple hours later, we gave up the search for antlers, and headed back home for lunch. Someone had doubtless been out that morning, or on previous days, and lifted all the booty. Rose was a little disappointed, but brightened up after I carried her, horse-and-rider style, through a few patches of thorns with a "Ta-ga-dah! Ta-ga-dah!" Our first foray into spring was a wonderful success, and I hope all of you manage to get out, away from your computers, and enjoy the wonders life still has to offer.
Cheers, --- Ben
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